lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Ética Profesional

El intelectual y  el poder en la era del cibermundo

Andrés  Merejo

La palabra del escritor tiene fuerza porque brota de una situación de no fuerza. No habla desde el Palacio Nacional, la tribuna popular o las oficinas del Comité Central: habla desde su cuarto. No habla en nombre de la nación, la clase obrera, la gleba, las minorías étnicas, los partidos, ni siquiera habla en nombre de sí mismo: lo primero que hace un escritor verdadero es dudar de su propia existencia.

(O.Paz (1986:307)

En el 2003, en esta Universidad APEC se realizó el primer coloquio  sobre los Intelectuales y el Poder, en donde varios escritores abordaron la temática desde la perspectiva histórica, social y política, de manera específica, desde la relación de los intelectuales  con una de las instancias del poder dominicano: El Estado.
En dicho coloquio se revelaron los diversos ejercicios de poder autoritario que ha recaído sobre los sujetos desde 1844. Los primeros representantes de ese ejercicio de poder político autoritario fueron Santana y Báez, a los que les siguieron Ulises Heureaux y Trujillo.  En la década de los 80 del siglo XIX y en la dictadura de Lilís y en complicidad con la Iglesia católica, el intelectual Eugenio Maria de Hostos fue expulsado del país. Su pensamiento se convirtió en amenaza del fango  moral e inquisidor de la época, dirigido por el clero y el poder político. Lo acusaron de ateo y de proscribir a Dios de la escuela, por lo que era visto como un renegado y anticatólico que debía abandonar el país cuanto antes[1].
El pensamiento intelectual que  tomaba en cuenta el poder oligárquico de esa época  no era el de Hostos,  como tampoco el del Pedro Francisco Bonó, sino el del padre Billini y el de Fernando Arturo de Meriño.
             Un intelectual que cayó en desgracia bajo la  dictadura de Trujillo  fue Américo Lugo, quien  rechazó la lisonja del poder y los ofrecimientos de ocupar cargos públicos.  Trujillo  le ofreció comprarle su conciencia por  la suma de 5 mil dólares o en su efecto, un puesto en el servicio diplomático o en la judicatura en lo que recobraba la salud.
Pero en una carta a Trujillo[2], Lugo le dice:

Yo no podría escribir ese trozo de historia, por dos razones: la primera, mi falta de salud; la segunda, mi falta de recursos. Recibir dinero por escribirla en mis presentes condiciones, tendría el aire  de vender mi pluma, y esto ni tiene precio.

Luego, a la dictadura trujillista, le siguió Joaquín Balaguer  quien   construyó todo un orden basado en las concepciones autoritarias y de corte trujillista.  Su discurso político  autoritario ha sido coherente con su ejercicio de gobierno antidemocratico (1966-1978, 1986-1996)  y  excluía todo pensamiento que no fuera fundamentado en el conservadurismo y en el orden contra la libertad.  En los primeros doces años de dictadura, la mayoría de los intelectuales enfrentaron al poder balaguerista con discursos provistos de concepciones revolucionarias y la búsqueda del mito, de la edad de oro,  el socialismo y el comunismo. Estos intelectuales de izquierda fueron más rebeldes que revolucionarios, ya que su visión del poder era instrumental, de aparato de Estado y de partido único.
Como podemos apreciar bajo en la dictadura de Santana, Báez, Lilís, Trujillo y Balaguer, en el siglo XIX y XX  se han producido las tradiciones más  autoritarias, antidemocráticas del país,  en donde los intelectuales que han sido críticos de la cultura, de la política y del pensamiento dominicano han pasado las de Caín, las de Prometeo encadenado o el fusilamiento[3].

En ese panorama de tradición autoritaria, de  tensiones, en fin de vicisitudes en que han vivido los intelectuales críticos dominicanos en los siglos XIX y XX frente a las diversas instancias de poder y de manera principal, del Estado autoritario,  no se puede ser indiferente. Tal postura sería ser cómplice del mismo poder que lo ha querido  condenar al ostracismo.

Por lo tanto, apuntamos en esta década del siglo XXI a la profundización de una postura crítica del poder autoritario y por la democracia participativa, pluralista y de afianzamiento crítico contra el poder y su verdad-totalidad, luchar porque este sea  descentralizado a su máxima expresión y de una participación ciudadana real.
En tal sentido la asunción de una ética del sujeto es imprescindible para moverse en las diversas instancias de poder.
            Habría que determinar con cuáles instancias de poder es que los intelectuales dominicanos mantienen hoy en día su relación más comprometedoras y si esta afecta su producción discursiva, critica y de nuevo conocimiento.
Puede ser que un intelectual trabaje en el Estado, en una universidad pública o en determinada empresa, y por estrategia de sobrevivencia no critique la instancia de poder en donde trabaja, lo cual es correcto desde su postura ética y si lo hiciese también es correcto a condición de renunciar al puesto y decir por qué, ya que el suicidio es una postura no ética en la que no debe caer ningún sujeto, al menos que sea el mismo poder que lo elimine. No se le puede hacer el trabajo al verdugo.
Si algo buscan los poderes políticos, económicos, familiares y culturales es eliminar por medio de la inanición a los sujetos que piensan de manera crítica y que en última instancia ha dejado huellas en la historia con sus discursos filosóficos, culturales, educativos, científicos y políticos.
 Hay que comprender que el intelectual puede ser crítico de determinada instancia. En este caso, el Estado y su gobierno pueden sin embargo ser conservadores o autoritarios en otras instancias de poder, sea familiar, universitaria. Por lo que la ética del intelectual debe apuntar a revelar parte de su vida, de su consagración a lo que ha vivido en discursos  escritos, en la obra, la cual revelará en la historia el trayecto de su pensamiento en relación al poder y sus instancias. Si así no lo hiciese, entonces no existiría como tal.

La postura del intelectual ético conspira contra la moralina de “de indignación y de reducción”,  que según Morin, (2004:61) la  indignación “sin reflexión ni racionalidad conduce a la descalificación del prójimo”. Cuando la indignación se cubre de moral no es “más que una máscara de cólera inmoral” y  la moralina de  reducción  reduce “ al prójimo a lo que tenga de más bajo, a los actos malos que ha realizado, a sus antiguas ideas nocivas, y le condena totalmente”. Cuando estos actos  o ideas no son la vida misma, la cual “evoluciona”, se entreteje en las relaciones de poder de manera compleja.

En esta década del siglo XXI la patria dominicana, que ha girado entre el autoritarismo y el liberalismo y  ha forjado los caracteres familiares, de la madre y el padre, del respeto, el amor, la consagración, a los afectos de una tradición de ser sujeto dominicano, con destino común,  cultura y lengua, hoy está rota, desmigajada por sus propios hijos.
Patria rota que no se mira hacia adentro, hurgando en nuestra historia de pensamiento, en cómo han fracasado los proyectos liberales, y ha predominado la desorganización social, la corrupción y el autoritarismo y la historia del hambre.  Patria rota, que tiene en extremo a Juan Bosch y en otro José Francisco Peña Gómez y en sus huecos repleta de la práctica moralina de la descalificación, de la condena y la destrucción del otro, que nos es más que la destrucción de todos, porque formamos parte de esa patria.

Por eso, mi discurso intenta repensar la patria en el siglo XXI, en el plano de  la complejidad, en el espacio social y el ciberespacio virtual, en lo continuo y discontinuo, sin  aposentarse en conjuntos de ideas repetitivas y derrotistas, que no  aportan nada a la sociedad dominicana.
De ahí que la relación del intelectual y el poder para ser comprendida en estos tiempos tiene que ser pensada en términos de las relaciones de poder cibernético, virtual y digital que se mueven en el mundo y de donde ha emergido el cibermundo, que ha traído una nueva forma de analizar la política, la ciberpolítica.

En su texto  Historia de la sexualidad. Volumen 1,  Michel Foucault (1984:112) dice que el poder no puede entenderse como el conjunto de instituciones y aparatos que garantizan la sujeción de los ciudadanos en un Estado determinando. Así como tampoco un sistema general de dominación ejercida por elementos o un grupo sobre otro; más bien hay que entender que se trata de multiplicidad de las relaciones de fuerzas inmanentes y propias del dominio en que se ejerce, y que son constitutivas de su organización.
Por lo que no debe buscarse su existencia en un punto central, en un foco único de soberanía del cual irradiaría formas derivadas y descendientes, ya que el poder está en todas partes.
Foucault  no sienta en el banquillo de los acusados a la economía capitalista, como tampoco a su instancia, el Estado, sino que sienta al mismo poder. Por lo que de una u otra manera lo sujetos mantenemos determinadas relaciones con el poder (cristalizado en el Estado) y sus múltiples instancias[4].

Ahora bien, las nuevas formas de poder social ha ido cambiado y será en la década de los 90 del siglo XX que los intelectuales y el poder deben colocarse más allá de Foucault, y quien mejor que su amigo Gilles Deleuze para explicar cómo las sociedades  disciplinadas, organizadas en los grandes espacios de encierro y que Focault situó en los siglos XV111 y XIX con su apogeo a principios del siglo XX, entraron en crisis y han estado siendo sustituidas por la sociedad de control, en donde el marketing es el instrumento que forma  la nueva raza impúdica de nuestro dueño[5] .

            Por lo que se desprende que el sujeto no se encuentra encerrado, sino endeudado, en un mundo virtual y de relaciones de poder digital y biométrico.

Después del 11 de septiembre del 2001 (derrumbe de las torres gemelas y parte de lo que es el Pentágono) se ha puesto en marcha lo que era tan solo experimento, lo biométrico como dispositivo de  control social. Lo biométrico  funciona basándose en la identificación de los sujetos, del saber de la vida por medio de las huellas digitales, las manos, el iris de los ojos, la cara, la voz y la firma. Es una nueva forma de  poder edificada en  redes sociales cibernéticas que ha resquebrajado la forma de vigilar y castigar  pensada por Foucault.

Solo  basta mencionar las funciones que ejercen las tarjetas de crédito, las cámaras digitales de vigilancia, el pasaporte biométrico, la licencia y  el E-Zpass, para darnos cuenta cómo el control social de los sujetos se ejerce de manera cotidiana en el primer mundo y cibermundo global
Esto no significa que la forma de poder social en nuestro mundo -violencia y discurso, coacción y persuasión, dominación política y enmarcado cultural-  han cambiado fundamentalmente desde nuestra experiencia histórica, como bien lo puntualiza Castells (2009:81) cuando coloca el poder en este siglo XXI en relaciones de cambio de dos formas que  giran “alrededor de la articulación entre lo global y lo local y organizado principalmente en redes, no en unidades individuales” (…). Sino en  redes  múltiples y en donde “las relaciones de poder son especificas de cada red”.  Nos dice que “hay una forma de ejercer el poder común a todas las redes: la exclusión de la red”.

En esta era del cibermundo, cuya plataforma es el ciberespacio y sus movimientos son redes globales, con controles digitales, también ha producido su resistencia, todo poder generar resistencia, forma de lucha y ante todo de crítica. Castells (2010:84) llega a puntualizar que: 

 Resistirse a la programación e interrumpir las conexiones para defender valores e intereses alternativos son las formas de contrapoder que ejercen los movimientos sociales y la sociedad civil -local, nacional y global- con la dificultad de que las redes de poder son normalmente globales mientras que la resistencia del contrapoder suele ser local.

Por eso el pensar en  lo virtual, en lo ciberespacial, en el mundo cibernético (cibermundo), es pensar en la implicaciones sociales que esta nueva forma de control de poder digital ha estado produciendo en los sujetos sociales, específicamente en los intelectuales, muchos de los cuales piensan que la crítica al Estado es la crítica al poder. 

Castells (2009)  cita a Poulantzas en cuanto que el poder no se localiza en una esfera  o institución social concreta, sino que está repartido en todo el ámbito de la acción humana. Aunque estas relaciones de poder se han transformado en esta era del cibermundo, ya que implican el poder de la redes y de control social digital. Esto no significa que el intelectual haya perdido su función crítica y que vive momificado por su incorporación a unas o varias de sus instancias.
Aparte de abordar la relación del intelectual con las diversas instancia de poder, de manera específica, el Estado, habría que estudiar si esos intelectuales se encuentran anquilosados y esterilizados con relación a los cambios de época y de innovación epistemológica que han se estado dando en esta era del cibermundo. Que su saber no sea participe de la reproducción de un saber–poder que contribuye a la permanencia de lo establecido en el plano filosófico, social, político y cultural.
            Porque de lo que se trata no es de ser rebelde del saber-poder, sino de transformarlo en todas sus dimensiones, incluyendo el tiempo, ya que como dice Bourdieu (1999:302):

 La espera es una de las maneras privilegiadas de experimentar el poder, asi como el vinculo entre el tiempo y el poder, y habría que inventar, analizar, todas las conductas asociadas al ejercicio de un poder sobre el tiempo de los demás, tanto por parte del poderoso  (dejar para más tarde, dar largas, dilatar, entretener, aplazar, retrasar, llegar tarde, o la inversa, precipitar, sorprender) como el paciente, como suele decirse en el universo médico, de los paradigmas de la espera ansiosa e impotente.

Colocarse contra la totalidad y verdad gramsciana  (1980: 392) en cuanto que todos los sujetos sociales son intelectuales y situar la especificidad de redes sociales y digitales, conforme al intelectual crítico ante el  poder social y el control digital.
Por eso, la función  que rescato de ser intelectual es la de criticidad ante las diversas instancias de poder y la producción de nuevo saber que atomice la momificación del discurso del poder tanto real como virtual.
Tal  concepción va contra lo abordado por  Barthes (1983: 234) cuando dice que la “rebeliones contra la ideología burguesa” que sería la “vanguardia”  tienden a ser “socialmente limitadas y recuperadas”.

El crítico francés deja entrever que toda lucha contra el poder y sus diversas instancias es inútil, no porque el lenguaje, el poder y la sociedad vayan a dejar de existir, sino porque dicha rebelión “proviene de un fragmento de la burguesía misma, de un grupo minoritario de artistas, de intelectuales, sin otros público que la clase misma que impugnan y que siguen siendo tributarios de su dinero para expresarse.

Si el intelectual crítico del poder y los poderosos termina en su trayectoria discursiva recuperado por el poder, eso no va depender de las afirmaciones barthesianas, sino de la intensidad crítica a las ideologías, a los totalitarismos de izquierda y derecha, que dicho intelectual produzca,  así como del valor de su obra, en cuanto a la producción de nuevo conocimiento cultural, social, filosófico, tecnológico y educativo, como además su decir–hacer que sea ejemplo  en el campo en que se desenvuelve.

            Aunque la obra del intelectual no escapa a la ideología, esta no puede quedar entrapada en dicho sistema, tiene que ser crítica de su contenido de totalidad, verdad y unidad. Por lo que no se trata de una rebelión contra el poder, como apunta Barthes, sino de su transformación del ámbito del saber-poder, ya que todo rebelde es recatado por el poder, tal como él lo afirma, sin embargo el que lucha por su transformación y la fragmentación de la totalidad a su máxima expresión, puede abrirse una línea de fuga, en el sentido de Deleuze, en esas relaciones de poder.
Tal como bien señala Foucault (1999:107)  cuando expresa que:

El papel de intelectual no  es el de situarse un poco en avanzadilla o un poco al margen para decir la muda verdad de todos; el papel del intelectual es, ante todo, luchar contra las formas de poder allí donde éste es a la vez objeto e instrumento: en el orden del saber, de la verdad, de la conciencia, del discurso.

Es de ahí que el  intelectual que  reproduce el orden del saber, de la verdad, de la conciencia, del discurso inmanente del poder que lo controla, queda atrapado en ese poder, en su ámbito de saber, que no necesariamente tiene que ser el Estado, sino otras instancias , como el campo universitario o empresarial.
Lo contrario es situarse, no en una lucha  cuestionadora y de  transformación, de creatividad, sino en el plano inmanente del poder de la repetición y la aceptación del orden con criterio de verdad y totalidad. Lógica de todo poder que se cristaliza en la razón de Estado.

El intelectual que pretende reflexionar con relación al sujeto[6], al poder, a la sociedad, tiene que entender cómo la innovación tecnológica y cibernética han estado incidiendo en las relaciones sociales en donde la microelectrónica, la informática, la biogenética, la robótica y las redes sociales virtuales y reales han construido en el mundo un cibermundo, y por lo tanto una nueva forma de  poder que se mueve en la  vigilancia, los dispositivos electrónicos de espionaje y en el control de los sujetos a través del método biométrico

Vivimos en un cibermundo que entreteje redes de poder digital como un rizoma, de nodos o vértices y  aristas o conexiones que no dejan escapar a los sujetos. Pero eso no debe preocuparle a los intelectuales que pasamos de 45 años, sino a la generación net y de nativos digitales que han comenzado a lidiar contra los efectos de esos poderes de redes y de control social real y virtual, los cuales se ha estado construyendo sobre conforme a la ciberpolítica.

La ciberpolítica es la expresión y la manifestación que sienten los  intelectuales  cibernéticos de realizar actividades políticas en el cibermundo, de manera abierta, plural y sin que medien los entornos reales, sino virtuales. La ciberpolítica ha traído el ciberactivismo, la cibermilitancia de grupos  y partidos de diversas corrientes ideológicas, defensores del medio ambiente, de las libertades individuales, de la mujer, de la minoría y de las tendencias democráticas y plurales.
En este panorama ciberpolitico entra Wikileaks, que es una página electrónica que tiene unos tres años de presencia en el ciberespacio y que cuenta con más de ochocientos colaboradores y cientos de cibervoluntarios repartidos en todos el cibermundo.
El periodista Villamar (2010), en un programa de televisión de Ecuador  dice:

En total son 251.288 cables y se estima que una sola persona demoraría 70 años en leer todos los documentos. Los cables abarcan el periodo de 44 años que va desde 1966 hasta febrero del 2010 y se originaron en 274 oficinas diplomáticas de los Estados Unidos en el mundo. Assange escogió a 5 de los más importantes periódicos en el planeta para entregarles la información hace un mes, también hizo copias para 100 mil personas a nivel mundial como seguro de vida.
       Los miles de documentos, cables de información que controla Wikileaks apuntan a la denuncia de actos de corrupción política en muchos países del mundo y en particular en algunos latinoamericanos, como el caso de República Dominicana, o en el Medio Oriente, como el genocidio a la población civil de parte de las tropas norteamericanas en la guerra de Iraq o al describir el estado psicológico de muchos gobernantes en el mundo.
       Es en este contexto mundial, preñado de redes y contraredes sociales y virtuales que se entreteje el poder digital y real. Ahí es donde tiene que navegar la crítica y la participación del intelectual dominicano.


·         Barthes, Roland (1983). Mitologías. México: Siglo XXI.
·         Bourdieu, Pierre (1999). Meditaciones pascalianas. Barcelona: Anagrama.

·         Castells, Manuel (2009). Comunicación y Poder. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
·         Céspedes, Diógenes (1994). Antología de la oratoria. Santo Domingo: Sociedad de Bibliófilos.
·         Foucault, Michel (1999). Estrategias de poder. Barcelona: Paidos Ibérica, S.A.
·         - (1984). Historia de la sexualidad 1. La voluntad de saber. Siglo XXI. México.
·         Meschonnic, Henri (2000). Crisis del signo. Política del ritmo y teoría del lenguaje. Santo Domingo: Feria del Libro.
·         Merejo, Andrés (2007). La Republica Dominicana en el ciberespacio de la Internet. Santo Domingo: Búho.
·         -(2010). Conversaciones en el Lago. Narraciones filosóficas. Santo Domingo: Búho.
·         Morín, Edgar (2004). Método 6. Ética. Madrid: Cátedra.
·         -(2009).El método 2, La vida de la vida. Madrid: Cátedra. 
·         Gramsci, Antonio  (1980). Antología. México: Siglo. XXI
·         Paz, Octavio (1986). El ogro Filantrópico. México: Planeta
·         Piña-Contreras, Guillermo (2005 (editor). Los intelectuales y el poder. Coloquio Unapec Santo Domingo: Amigo del Hogar.

Enlace electrónico
·         Villamar, Marco.  (2010).

[1] Dice Franklin Franco que la educación dominicana se vio afectada por el enfrentamiento entre el educador Eugenio María de Hostos, defensor de la democracia y de la libertad de expresión y el dictador Heureaux, para quien el primero era un estorbo peligroso por su notable influencia en la juventud universitaria. Ver: Franklin Franco Pichardo. Historia del pueblo dominicano. Santo Domingo: Editora de la UASD, 2005.

[2] El escritor Diógenes Céspedes realiza un estudio sobre la Oratoria en Santo Domingo (1994:204) Véase para este estudio las cartas que le escribiera el intelectual Américo Lugo a Trujillo.

[3] El intelectual Diógenes Céspedes precisa cómo los efectos de las prácticas autoritarias ejercidas por los dictadores de la República Dominicana les han caído directamente a los intelectuales como : Eugenio Deschamps, un decir y hacer contra Heureaux durante más de treces años, murió a consecuencia de los balazos que le infirió en Puerto Rico  un sicario de Lilís (…) José Joaquín Pérez padeció duro exilio bajo Báez: Santiago Guzmán Espallat dejó su pellejo en una embocada que le tendió el cacerismo; las victimas intelectuales de Santana están documentadas en Poetas contra Santana, de Emilio Rodríguez Demorizi, igual que en el caso del lilisimo.  Para más referencia ver: Céspedes, Diógenes. Tres ensayo acerca de las relaciones entre los intelectuales, el poder y sus instancias. P. 10. Cuesta –Véliz Ediciones, Santo Domingo. 2003.

[4] Parte de estas ideas se pueden encontrar en la relación del filósofo y el poder, que se encuentra en mi texto Conversación en el lago. Narraciones filosóficas. P.71. editora la escalera, tercera edición. 2010

[5] Estas reflexiones sobre cómo funciona la sociedad de control, se encuentra en mi texto Conversaciones en el Lago. P. 151.

[6] Para Edgar Morin el sujeto no constituye  ni una esencia ni una sustancia, sino se trata de una cualidad o modalidad de ser, propia del individuo viviente. Es cierto que ningún sujeto viviente, salvo el hombre, puede expresar con el lenguaje su cualidad de sujeto. Pero  todo sujeto viviente lo expresa en su ser, su organización, su computación, su comportamiento. Por eso, la importancia de lenguaje, sujeto, poder, sociedad, aborda por  Meschonnic en Crisis del signo. Política  del ritmo y teoría del lenguaje (2000)  para diferenciar otra concepción sobre el sujeto que intenta colocarse más allá del lenguaje, en este caso la misma que Edgar  Morin (2009) plantea en su texto la Vida de la vida, método 2, p.202. Madrid: Cátedra.  

90 comentarios:

Berlina dijo...

I believe it is somehow straight forward the fact that being ethic requires honesty, knowledge and justice, better said: fairness. We, as professionals, need to be careful when preaching and performing in our jobs; we need to be mainly honest, faithful and true to our beliefs and to ourselves.
We need to make sure that we do have the required standards in order for us to demand the same from others. We should be able to promote and emphasize with our doings, our wording and even with our gestures that we are capable of evolving, reflecting, and fighting for what we stand for.
I believe that we need to empower ourselves so we can have society understand that success has to come from within and cast light upon all of us, so we may be able to reach the power needed to attain a better society and whence a better country.
We need to take advantage of the new tools and ways that cyberspace has given us to pass along our values; responsibility for our thoughts and points of view need to take control within tis cyber world. We need to have this cyber power for and with us; work for us, like the waves of sea work along with a wrecked boat; rocking it back and forth until it reaches the white sandy shore of an ethical bright cyber world. A shore that has been reached using that strong and suave sea power; a power that has been used to finally reach the goal of shore. We have used that power to help us get to success.

Unknown dijo...

In My opinion
Internet has become a new space, where there are new roles and functions, the cyberspace. It emerged, rightly, with the idea of allowing a decentralized communication and a few years ago that communication was popularized through social networks. Social networking is a tool of power of the masses, it is the place where people can express themselves and organize skipping several traditional structures. There is no need to raise your voice on a topic of interest and be heard.
Now, well in its essence power:
Is coercion, force legally or illegally by the possibility of violence or intimidation It is also influence of minds, influencing what we think because it determines what we do. Yes, the power is in the minds. In our societies is this second form of power that is "crucial." "Whoever is able to design and operate in one direction or another socialized communication process is one of the keys of power”.
Then, we can say that this ability to intervene in people's minds is an omnipresent power which grants to the Internet. And who can deny that when it is clear that part of the public stage and discussion of Political Affairs has migrated into social networks, where minority groups are calling for leadership and have managed to gain influence among the young, the social group that is now expressed in cyberspace as a set of "outraged" people against exclusion and lack of opportunities, before failed democracies, to government corruption, among other many political issues posed by the post modernity.
But that emerging power that just looks out to the surface, as a kind of iceberg, already afraid of gerontocracy. That democratic participation, without representation and intermediation without any other concern than political status.
By the way, in the Dominican Republic politics is precisely where, by tradition, is exercised the power of the most centrally with the intention of domination and manipulation of society. Since the dictatorial period all those intellectuals who do not share the ideas of the Government are appointed on left and revolutionaries and their ideals can cause expulsion from the country and even loss of life.
Now well, in today's cyberspace a power has individual democracy in which intellectual has freedom of expression and the power to express ideals not only in order to inform, but also educate the audience of the problems in society, without fear of persecution.
In that order, we can understand that the advances in technology are very in our favor as conscious beings of the situations surrounding us.

Odalis Manuel Sanchez dijo...

One of the greatest tools ever invented has been the virtual space which has become a parallel world in comparison with the physic world. I remember when I was a kid that in 4th grade, we were thinking that what if we run out of paper where else will we write on? Years later I found the answer in the Cyberspace. Indistinctively the Cyberspace should not be confused with the internet or the net itself, but all what exists in the whole Net is part of the cyber space. Everything that has been created and are being created today and days to come is and will become part of the cyber space.
In comparison to the physic world, we had no buildings and buildings, planes, ships, etc, and all have been created and now became part of the our planet. Such is the cyber space to my understanding.

Thank you.

Odalis Manuel Sanchez

Jose R dijo...

The way I see things, future wars will not be won on distant battlefields, will be wining in cyberspace, the domain of the media has become the oligarchy main goal , along the history the upper class has never set oppressed free, they have had to fight for it, so cyberspace is power and as power it’s used by people who want to inform, report and disseminate messages of hope and progress but it is also used by others who want to confuse, mislead and use their influence to serve to particular interests and use the network to remain anonymous. Our mission as a people we have been privileged to be literate is to fight against this people, we have promote values in all areas of life. That’s why Ethic is so important , because ethic is something which produce well-being in our lives and if we practice something that makes us to feel fine in healthy way, we could make people around us feel fine too, we’re be able to transfer this well-being to others.

Unknown dijo...

the relationship between the intellectuals and the power had been a drama, if not a tragedy during the days of a tyranny in our country. I think it was Joaquin Balaguer who said that the power is to be used, a thinking learned through the Trujillo's tyranny, a thinking that others followed and not only presidents but people with power. but some intellectuals did not give their power of reasoning to the service of those people. they had ethics and they respected more the people than their own lives. and that's why many of these intellectuals paid with their own lives and others had to seek refuge in other countries. all because of their professional ethics and their beliefs. but now the times have changed. now those sectors in the power have to face a new wave of intellectuals strenghtened by a cyberworld. now with this tool is not necessary to be literate to fight the power of the State because everybody has now the right to say and express what we think to everyone in the world. i think this tool has dwarfed the world so that people can avoid the abuses of the people in the power. it is not casuality that these abuses had diminished a little thanks to more and more people have the power of the tool of the internet almost everywhere. socrates, the founder of all the ideas that even today govern the world, died for defending the democracy against the tyranny and for keeping to the end an ethics that did not permit him to accept the plan of escape proposed by his folllowers and disciples. that's the kind of ethics that we must all follow and accept and hold it during our professional live.

Sandy F. Roa

ruben dario dijo...

In my personal opinion, the professional should be a distinct and distinctive being, since the professional`s way of acting itself shows the control and the wisdom that an individual has. A professional does not need a sign that says he is a professional.

Professionals have guilds, clubs or associations where they get together to enjoy themselves or deal with matters of general or particular interest. Ethics take care of molding the professional. It speaks to him of the values that an educated individual should have, not only when he is with other professionals but throughout life such as how to treat people that don`t have the same education or don`t behave the same way as we do.

Each person chooses what he believes to be most important in life or what has more value. For some it is the family, for others money, profession, job, religion, etc. It is good that we understand that we all are not equal neither do we think in the same way. Each person is different and we should respect the decision that each one makes even though we do not agree with it because (good) ethics seek to improve the quality of life of human beings and when you choose what you think is better, that will help to improve your life. In life we want to be happy and therefore we should fight for what we want and not give up...We should live, let others live and respect others. In that way we distance outselves from problems.

We should be careful of what we preach and what we honest and not judge anyone. What we preach at home or at work should be what we live. It would not be good for us to advise our neighbor to do something in a certain way and then turn around and do just the opposite.

Cyber space or Cyber world has tools that make life easier for us, but it also gives the opportunity for information to everyone no matter where we are from, our religion or social class. These tools should be a necessary part of our life.

The Cyber world has changed our world into a global village. It is interesting to know that information that someone gets in USA, EUROPE or any other country is the same that Cyber offers me in the Dominican Republic. It is certainly giving information necessary for improvement and as I said before that is what (good) ethics wants.
Ruben Dario Morra De Los Santos

Derwin The (Teacher) dijo...

well, according what i have interpreted in the other class i could say that ethic is broader, and more intensive than what i though, professioanl ethics is everything related to living well in a good way as human being but in a formal way, it is also related to the morals and values which control a society, in another hand this text is a very important text for the reason that this teaches us that even though many people wont agree with what we say, or our ideas we should go straigh to the point, and that is part of professional ethics, most of the important people historically are recognize, are seemed as heroes because they were not wishy washy they were just them, they were unique, and when a person is not unique that could be very bad for their lives. The reason why we are called individuals is basically because each person is just one and has a way to think and a way to express his or her ways of thoughts, these are heroes which were mentioned in this text, even though trujillo did not agree with them they were not stuck there they just express how things really were, and were original in their ways of believing. This is the main idea of ethics to let the perople know the good things of everything, it doesnt impose it just says how to be succesfull in this world. this is what i understood. Thank you very much.
Derwin Aquino.

Derwin The (Teacher) dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

In reference to professional ecthics, I think that it should avoid all groups political pretentions which are manipulated to please people´s particular wishes, unconneted to the professionals´right and duties. Professionals people should have values on their ethical code in such a way, that it could produce possitive conciousness efects and resposibility in others entities.
On the other hand, bad behaviors of tradictional and historical learders have encoutered correct opposition because reasonable leaders fron the past have not soldtheir conciousness with the purpose of been beneficiated of something. Nowadays, the cyverspace has scarely constributed to this practice because this tendency still continues in our nation political leadership.


Well for me this article is amazing because it choose us our nation realia for long time polity are tring impousing because they think to have money is all but during this ethic class for me have been the greatest because this class helps us to help other in this is a social problem, because many students are get in out from the school in order to get money and ethic is like the capasity to act right in any circuntance.

Unknown dijo...

I strongly believe that our society needs ethical being with a great commitment able to overcome the blackmail, the influence of power that for many years have controlled people procedures and way of thinking. we need to be authentic, we have to promote values in the society where we live. as Americo Lugo and Hostos did. good professionals are those preserve their honesty and principles, against proposals that sometimes appear in our day life. we are the one who will make changes in our society. Let us use the cyber space to heard to express our ideas and become supportive for our nation. as Barack Obama did in the US. he was able to influence in the way of thinking of American through the usage of internet.

Jovanny Francisco Rosario Tejada dijo...
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Jovanny Francisco Rosario Tejada dijo...

This topic is relevant nowadays, because extremes are making human life unbearable: individualism, consumerism and a distorted vision of the world where Money has taken the place of God, TV and computers have become the fountain of culture and Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC) have replaced the social face to face interaction. I agree with the showing of the examples of intellectuals such as Hostos, Bonó, Lugo and others to confront overwhelming and abusive power. Today’s youth ignore their historic values; they are permanently bombarded with foreign and weak models.

Professionals are supposed to behave according to high standard criteria previously established in their occupation no matter where they are. They also must be guided by their own consciousness; that's to say, they shouldn't do things that they feel are wrong, just for money or led by their vices or their passions.

Since we live in a society and nowadays the cyberspace is kind of a parallel world, we'd better treat each other right or we may destroy our own future and never feel fine even if we achieve to our goals. As far as I remember I don't ask for a service again to a person that hasn't treated me right. Let's imagine somebody doing the same. There are a lot of examples of employees that have destroyed their career for an instant of fame, by posting pictures or indecent videos in Internet. This kind of
slip, make professionals have a hard time making their living; thus, they sacrifice tomorrow success for today's advantage and "liberty".

I think that values are really important for human relations and for us. Nobody would like to be a friend of a thief or a liar and I can't even imagine how a person permanently being censured in a social environment or by his consciousness is able to sleep tight.

On the other hand, people usually place their values in an order of importance differing one to another. For some people, family is over all, but for others education is in the first place. Sometimes, some people say or believe certain values are more precious than other, but when the time comes to make decisions, they reveal what values they actually appreciate more.

For me the most important guide in my relationship with others in real life situations is my consciousness built up through practicing Christian values day by day. When I do good I feel well, when I do wrong, I feel bad. Since I don’t want to be a bad person, I don’t harm anyone and try hard to care for me and people around me.

Finally, professionals should care more about themselves anywhere they are because in the name of their “liberty” they sometimes don’t behave appropriately or according to what is expected from them. I also think that being ethical requires practicing values as much as we can, no matter where we are because the more we practice them the stronger we become.

Unknown dijo...

Most people in this country and maybe all around the world believe that the intellectual person is the one who has read an immense quantity of books. In my opinion a scholar, an intellectual person or a wise man is the one who has to be an individual useful to the society where he/she lives. Here is where ethics, values and the moral sense play their role, specially nowadays when people have become overwhelmed by the cyber world. The virtual world is important. We need to be updated with technology. The electronic library and the social nets are extremely necessary for being successful in our demanding professional world, but we should take into consideration that without general and professional ethics, moral and values and above all a code of honor, we are bound to destruction.
Even gangsters and delinquents need to be honest among them if they want to be successful in their realization of their illegal actions.
In conclusion if we want to succeed as a society, we must be stuck to maxims of trying to make the world a better place to live in.

Unknown dijo...

For me, the term ethics is very broad; it means that there is a lot to say when referring to this term. First of all, I can say that the term ethics is interwoven with responsibility, freedom and confidentiality. It is said that a person is responsible when he or she is compelled to answer of his/her owns actions. Some authors state that the freedom is defined for the responsibility, most of them agree that the base of responsibility is the freedom, and at this point there is a dilemma whether responsibility affects some actions of a person or if it affects all of them. Secondly, responsibility is a personal feeling that commits to each person to not only execute or obey his or her personal and individual conveniences. Either the common sense as well as the concept of independence requires that a person has to be attached to the canon laws and moral values when executing some actions. At the present time, we are immersed into what is called the cyber world. This cyber world does not run away from this reality.
Extrapolating this into a professional field, it carries out a lot of independence, which will consequently measure if what we are doing is correct or incorrect and either it will strengthen or degrade us as persons. It also determines if something is licit or illicit, acceptable or unacceptable. Our attitude and action will determine whether our job is clean, adequate, respected and accepted.
Finally and as a reflection, I want to point out that a professional has certain habits and customs that have been acquired during his or her life, therefore not everything a person does on a regular basis is correct into the society, for which a professional must have the moral and intellectual capacity to differentiate what is right or wrong of his profession like: how to say good morning or greet people, having a smile, being a good co-worker, express solidarity when needed, and so forth. Those are morals and customs that are not listed or specified in any professional codes; therefore they should not limit or prevent us from doing them.

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...
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Anónimo dijo...

Hello Professor!

I think that today every single person has to be identified with cyberspace, not only those who are considered intellectuals, but those ordinary people, since global internet platform has picked up in each grade of the earth planet all necessary informations that we need to be alive. Cyberspace has made the world smaller than the sceptics thought, just a CLICK and you`ll find whatever you want, even about yourself that is reading these few lines right now. Prove it and tell me!

Carlos Santos.

Unknown dijo...

Professional Ethics is one of the most exciting topics that I have ever read because this subject regulates and leads the professional to make the right decision in favor of the common well when the right of the low income people is in discussions.I have discovered the importance of Ethics in the field of professional and in the society because Ethics conducts people to keep a sense for justice and fight for doing what is right in life without affecting or harming social and personal values. Values, and aptitudes helps to develop a set of emotional tools that can be used and projected as a tool to shape the human aptitudes avoiding everything that harm or prejudice a group , society , company or work place .I think that Ethics develops positive attitudes that lead any person to assume an attitudes of self- respect and avoid behaviours, talks , decisions, that may become into conflict that harm positive feeling of empathy , respect , and responsibility of our acts that is why the cyber space plays a role in the construction of a fair society that is able to defend and reaffirm the motto of the poor and hopeless low income people in this globalized society.
In the world that we are living, the application of the ethics makes all kind of people and professionals to reconsider the right choice at any moment or situation in which the values and moral principles might be affected by the excesses of the dominant group in which the whole history has become the witness and the judge.

Anónimo dijo...

Hello again!

When the article mentions about Trujillo`s and Balaguer`s era, I could realize that we are the result in the present what we were yesterday, because this country has not learned the lesson yet. From Trujillo and Balaguer till today I do not know any president that has acted in a different way, all of them has made the same. This country has not understood its history yet, and that`s why you say that in your article. Yesterday and today intellectuals that do not agree with government`s policies as Américo Lugo, professor Narciso Gonzalez are isolated, abandoned, assassinated and most of the time they die in extreme misery and that light of knowledge that they had is turn off by unconcious and couward power. That`s why our brains travel looking for a dream, after so much studies, masters, PhDs and so forth. This patrie negates the opportunity to a long list of professionals that later end in that filth so-called PRD, PLD, PRSC. Out of this triangle there is very little to look for!

Carlos Santos.

Eloy Nuñez (ENUR Real Estate) - Cabrera, D.R. dijo...

Natividad Garcia Reyes (ELOY)
I really understand that talking about ethic and moral is talking about internal or intrinsic feeling, behave and conducting our self according to what we consider living well, enjoying live with responsibility and justice, considering our self as a family, friend and society guidance.
Nowadays we are happy to live in a globalized period, I really understand that this is a perfect globalized world we are living in, here we have an especial and big opportunity to present our ideas, thought end even to sales and buy others’ persons thought and opinion, but as professional we are, we have to be careful at the moment we are going to present, express our opinion and thought through the cyberspace, first of all because being ethic means be honest, trustful, and having justice in everything we do. internet tool can be a powerful device or arm, for those who use it to play a good roll at home, office or in the society, but in the same way, it can be hardly used again society and any other person by those irresponsible and stealer, who use all our information to act in their favor. Even those there are bad people all over the world who behaves negatively because of globalization, we have to be happy and proud of the world we are living in nowadays, but we need to be so careful in the way we use the internet, faster, easier and effectively, increasing our economy and decreasing our body’ stress.

Unknown dijo...

Ethics. When I think about it, when I see what this word stands for in our society, I get so ashamed. I really miss stories like those of Americo Lugo, who rejected to sell his pen to Trujillo´s tyranny, I miss my grandmother´s stories about life when she was young, they are full of ethics and values.
I miss people, my people who used to place other needs before theirs in order to do the right thing, my people whose acts were generally ethical, so ethical that they did not hesitate to give in their lives for what they believed (founding fathers and other national heroes ). It is so sad to find out that we have an enormous lack of it nowadays. That is the reason why we are just longing for our society to change. Ethics should be able to permeate the way we act as an overall. Taking all this into account a question that comes up is, what are we doing as society to change and become more ethical?

The topic Dr. Merejo brought up here is tremendously interesting, cyberspace. Today´s world is doubtless immersed in this world, this world where, everything is possible, where ethics also plays a very important role. Cyberspace has changed the way we communicate, the way marketing is thought, how education is administrated, how we all are aware of what is occurring all around us; regimes are even torn down with the power of cyber world ( Gadhafi´s overthrown and assassination in 2011). We can also mention Assange´s wikileaks which shook the way the US and their foreign relations were viewed just to mention a few examples.

I strongly believe that today´s intellectuals and professionals of all fields must get involved in the cyberspace world, otherwise he/she would be walking backward to this changing reality. The world has changed, so must we, we must evolve as people, as citizens, and as professionals in order to contribute this way, to our society development as well as ours.

Unknown dijo...

Sesotris Michel Soriano

Unknown dijo...
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Carina Marinangeli dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

As always, the instance of the Catholic Church has always gotten her way to meet her beliefs and desires that after all go against the people and the intellectual advancement. Their god is the god of strength, deputy presidents no matter who are the worst tyrants. In the oligarchy we have had, if the intellectual thought defended the interests of his class had to remove the medium. Rulers and church together ensured that the shadow of ignorance would not allow juice distill intelligence of many people when they demonstrated for the good of the country.
Moreover, in cyberspace I see two aspects, one positive and one negative, on the positive side, the wonderful advances have been to make life easier, since being with the whole world, this is the library also grade the world more available to everything. And on the flip side there are many young people worldwide who are trapped in social networks and video games. So we can see another way of governing through the power but indirectly
Then we must make more use of professional ethics, wherever we go, or have the opportunity to be in contact with others, forgetting forever moralizing not to condemn anyone, but to raise the standard of living of others. We must So, as professional have a different profile. dijo...

I think to be ethic is more than thinking in one way and acting in another way as many of us do sometimes, teachers must act in a way that everybody could say that we are an example for society, but also taking into consideration that many times that society is the same one that acts in a differnt way as they want us to act, I think ethics is for everyone and from everyone.
Refering to another situation I think the web is a very good tool for teachers beause it helps us with students to give them theoppotrunity to acces to information that in another way it could be imposible for them to acces. You can be in your house and if you wnat to acces an information no matter the place it is, if it is in the web you can get it.
A very good example is the idea that next sunday we dont have class and we are ineracting on the web.
The web has turned the planet in a small place where everybody has the same distance to the information: a click.

Unknown dijo...

In my point of view, The ethical not sell her/his consciousness, does not seek its welfare at the expense of the welfare of others. The ethical professional looking fairly self-realization in the exercise of their duties and in compliance with regulatory guidelines of the institution, company or organization.
The assumption of ethics in the subject is essential to move in the various levels of power ... (Andrew Merejo).
Taking as starting this discussion we can say that in our society, every day, is more devoid of values, both personal and social, is clear, the need to instill in our future professionals and to remind those present that what it be a prominent professional, if at the time of execution in our lives we have no clear consciousness of the meaning of ethics in our lives. Ethics seals the life of each individual and gives us a particular feature of what we really are and this in turn allows us to acquire and focus on a particular lifestyle.
An ethical individual goes against moralizing ... moralism built a society of hypocritical double standard ...
Each person is responsible for his actions, which is why we can not be aware of the lives of others but this analysis is objective without any error of religious belief or other, I must say that the Bible speaks very clear when he says to What why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye?Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. "(Matthew 7:1-5).
As for being able to go, this has nothing to do with companies, institutions, government and so on., Power is what every human being carries within it, and every man will agree to share power within. This is why we can not limit the power to a system of government, business, religious, political, professional, power has no limit and humans either. That's why every day the world evolves, example is the transformation of society, their ideals, their interests, which over time created technological development, preferential changes (lifestyle: political system, media communication, how to implement the system of education, mode of production, etc..), the use of internet, business development, professional being part of this reality, where you just need to fight for these forms of power are consistent with what ethical, moral without being moralizing and can this contribute to the great development of a better society, knowing that we are part of everything.
The professional today must recognize that with the speed that they are producing new information, to be ethical and competent professionals, we need to focus so specialized in our areas of expertise.

Unknown dijo...

Student Name: Jesús Leandro Frias Ruiz
My comments on the intellectual and power in the age of cyber-world.

Hello, my professor. After I have read this great article on the intellectual and power in the age of cyber world, Iam going to give you my comment on it. In effect, when you to refer on the intellectual people in the first part of the article, you talked about Américo Lugo, Eugenio Maria de Hostos, Pedro Francisco Bonó y Fernando Arturo de Meriño but when you talked on power in that age you referred to Santana, Báez, Lilís, Trujillo y Balaguer in the century XIX and XX. No obstant, here when you referred to the cyber world you talked on cyber technology innovation, the influencing social relations, microelectronics, information technology, bio-genetics, robotics ,virtual and real social networks that it have built in a cyber-world. So that, something that called my attention was that the intellectuals in the age of Trujillo and Balaguer who have been critical of the culture, politics and Dominican thought have gone through hell, and they have been victim of the execution. But I could perceive something very important here about the intellectual ethic, as you know the intellectual ethics should aim to reveal part of his life, his dedication to what he has lived in written speeches in the play, which reveal the path in the history of thought in relation to power and its instances. In my personal opinion Iam on the side of Michel Foucault, Manuel Castells and Roland Barthes now that they played a good role on this splendid article, and we think that the intellectual and the power in this modernized world have to go of the hand with the cyber-world now that in this global context the social networks and the virtual networks and digital power are to have the power of the world. As you know the cyberpolitica and the cables on the Wikileaks information called my real attention here. Likewise, the modern world invite to us to use the technology through to the know and the power.

Carina Marinangeli dijo...

What is an intellectual and which should be his or her practice against democracy and the State?
From a historical perspective, the world state of the dominant class, the actual democratic society was imposed by the bourgeoisie back in 1787-99 so the forms we have in both parts of the island are a result of the capitalist war of 1844 which in turn are part of the international republic of capital. From Santana to Trujillo we have seen different forms of capital administration, none of them, of course, questioning the social power of the bourgeoisie.
An organic intellectual from my point of view and based on the transition from the feudal mode of production to the capitalist mode of production and the therefore democracy is not just a critical thinker, but a militant whose actions are always against democracy.
Let me put it this way; there is an organic and historical relation between capital and democracy since the development of commerce in Greece. In that sense, and since the French “revolution” of 1789, democracy has become the mood of life of the dominant class in the international scale. Consequently, the aim of an organic intellectual is the destruction of democracy and state.
In relation to cybernetics and the organic intellectual and the State, and the way we should relate to the same, the social relations reproduced by cybernetics, the essence of the same, I need to say that we are very lucky for the opportunity of “communicating” with people all over the world just in seconds, to meet people we have not known about for years, and to find a lot of information, but there is something to be added: not everything on the web is reliable. In addition, there is a complete manipulation and control of the information circulating on the net with the intention to reproduce the dominant social relations. According to Chomsky, in an interview called “who controls the message?” On November 26th, 2010, "...internet will never replace face to face contact". That is to say, social relations will determine, in the last analysis, the future social totality.

Unknown dijo...

Hello, this is my second comment in this blog.
I really like this way of debate, and now I would like to refer about the power and tyranny that were in the hands of those big men in the history of our country.
Santana, Báez, Lilís, Trujillo were what we consider tyrants and that is how they are remembered, this is the way they live in our history as the builders of terror. These men were not intellectuals. They did not provide any intellectual contributions to our country and if they did it was little. These men had the power in their times and used it against the weakness of the people they governed. No one would ever publish articles or books or say any bad thing, or else. Now the fact is that everything has an ending, they were powerful, but just while they lived. At the moment of death and through the times they meant nothing. Articles, movies, books, then were published highlighting the oppression that existed in our country those times. As a way of manifestation that our country does not want to live this again. They just belong to the dark part of our history, something that nobody wants.

Unknown dijo...

One of the topic I would like to point out concerning general ethic is virtue. for me this is the way in which the professionals have to perceive their lives in terms of labor. Everything we do has a proceedure or a set of techniques to follow in order to be more effectives in the process of working one subject out. Right here, the first philosopher that first worked out this matter was Aristoteles who was really convinced that the best way to do something and become a master doing it is through practice. According to Aristoteles virtue is the middle point where from most of the human behaviors come from. This behavior does not appear over night but it is the result of our devotion to practice and trying to do better and better. I do agree with this thinker. I have said, maybe I am wrong, I do not believe in talent. I believe in sacrifice; this sacrifice could be the principle of effort by Spinoza in terms of the recompense you receive.

In this way it is when we as professionals might become aware of our responsebilities in front of institutions, groups, and the community. This is my middle point; realizing ourselves what we are and what we represents to those social bodies. The aim of every professional should be oriented to reconstruct his or her sorrounding world, context biginning with him or herself and then the others. I mean, to gain personal profficiency, to help his or her family, etc.

Negel Perez dijo...

According to experience, that as a professional I have learned, all that raises the life is ethical. The intellectual who tries to reflect in relation to the subject, to power, to society, have to understand how technological innovation and cybersecurity have been influencing social relations where microelectronics, information technology, bio-genetics, robotics and social networks virtual and real have built in a cyber world, nowadays we live in a globalized world every day interacting on the network, and that's why we need to connect knowledge with the network.
Stay behind without being critical to a reality would put into question the capabilities intectetual although, Merejo Andres (2010:72) ¨ survival strategy not to criticize the instance where he or she works, which is correct since its ethical stance and if I did also correct on condition of renouncing the post and say why, since suicide is unethical stance on not to drop any subject, unless it is the same power that delete it.

Unknown dijo...

I believe Ethic is one of the most important topic in professional life due to it promotes the best way to live not only as a professional also to deal with some others differences which is really significant in term of professional life when we need to have acceptance of others and respect their rights.
Sometimes there’s a far difference between practice and theory but in this case ethic does not form part of the group well being which one of the main goal of it.
Ethics for instance needs to be involved in all single life aspect, to live without ethic is the difference of living an unfaithful life. The respect of others could be the real difference between living a fair and unfair life.
To promote professionalism is necessary to see ethic as the main platform to transmit this feeling to the entire group.

Anónimo dijo...

Ethics embraces the thought of what individuals should do and why. It's not "only" a problem of judgment. There are procedures other than determining what one's belief is by which we are able to conclude whose opinion is accurate and whose is erroneous.
When we state of the actions of human beings that affect other human beings, the standard is not personal tastes, it is reason. If we disagree about what people should do, we give our reasons, and if we don't, we're asked for them. This does not mean, though, that the only basis for the morals of a human action can be reason. I basically think that the statement of being ethics involves trustworthiness, awareness and integrity.
We have got to, for sure, to be conscious of our actions and performance in our day by day as teachers because of the pattern we are. Most of all, we must be truthful, authentic and accurate to our principles.
The amazing supremacy of the Internet arises somewhat from the point that it empowers a single individual or firm to convey information inexpensively and rapidly throughout the globe. Facts placed on a Web site are reachable from innumerable locations, even without the awareness or control of the source of the information. A significant legal question ascends from this circumstance: does the poster of information open himself to guideline by the government of every nation from which the information can be retrieved? More directly, does a person who places images or information on a Web site open himself to litigation anywhere that information can be saved?
We ought to get improvement of the innovative gears and methods that cyberspace has set us to pass along our morals; responsibility for our judgments and ideas, though we need to take control inside this cyber world.
The aim why we are named entities is essentially since every single person is impartially one and has an approach to ponder and a way to precise his or her beliefs.
Ramón Cuello

Lorenna Selmo dijo...

Hello everyone!

I strongly believe that ethics is something individual and intrinsic to each human being. It helps us to conduct ourselves in our daily life. Ethics helps us to distinguish what is correct to do in certain situations. What is done because of reward, or because it is a rule. It also helps us to behave in search of the common wellbeing, personal satisfaction, and comfort. Since ethics is individual we cannot expect other people to be as ethical as we are. Even in some situations, being ethic puts our lives in jeopardy as was the case of some Dominican intellectuals who did not accept proposal of dictators who tried to buy them and to do things again their will and thoughts.

Because I think ethics is something individual to each human being, it does not mean that we could not take advantage of the media and cyberspace to promote ethics and to include it what we do in and out our jobs. We as teacher could be a good model to promote and to teach ethics inductively and deductively. We could not demand what we don´t have and I think we could not rely on the their knowledge and understanding of what is correct thing to do if our students are constantly exposed to all kind of behavior patterns which does not allow them to internalize which are the correct and which are not. Furthermore, I think that we should put emphasis on being ethical and in order to find our identity and to help them (our students) to discover their identity as well.

Lorenna Selmo

Luciano dijo...

These days liberalism has created rashes in our society, since it has been going from bad to worse.
Corruption and authoritarism are the factors in which our nation has had to pay a very high price against its own citizens.
Nowadays we live in an anti-ethic era full of unmoralities by our politicians and enterpreneurs.
Capitalism has created a series of rules against the mayority of citizens, which are the poor to make them consume more and more,that`s why the cyberworld plays an important role.
You can get any information you want through the web.

Luciano Marte

Luciano dijo...

These days liberalism has created rashes in our society, since it has been going from bad to worse.
Corruption and authoritarism are the factors in which our nation has had to pay a very high price against its own citizens.
Nowadays we live in an anti-ethic era full of unmoralities by our politicians and enterpreneurs.
Capitalism has created a series of rules against the mayority of citizens, which are the poor to make them consume more and more,that`s why the cyberworld plays an important role.
You can get any information you want through the web.

Luciano Marte

Lorenna Selmo dijo...

I agree with you Luciano,

Our society seems to be falling apart and the cyberspace has been used as the mean of making people abandon their old values and to adopt new ideals which are destroying us more and more even though we do not notice it. Capitalism has driven us into waisting more and think less; into doing what the rest of the world or big societies are doing not matter if we income is enough to enjoy such lifestyles. In the other hand, we have coruuption and greed; I will get what I want it does not matter how instead of I will get what I want working hard (honestly).

Anyway, I think that there is still hope. If we start by making small changes in our actions and promote critical thinking, ehtics, and values, we could mark the difference and the world would head in other direction. Even though the cyberspace gives room to many unpleasant situations and incorrect models to follow, there are many interesting things that can be found and be used for intellectual, educational, and other purposes.

What I recommend is not to take an extreme position of using the cyberspace to much, if it is no neccessary, or if to use things to damage others and to avoid things which do not enrich our lives. But, we could use for our intellectual growth, pleasure, work, study, and so forth.

Thanks to the use of cyberspace, we having a class without the physical presence of our teacher and the rest of co-masters in a classroom. So let´s take advantange of it!

Lorenna Selmo

Unknown dijo...

As professional we may embrace each type of thoughts and respect the diversity in which we have been created by God in order to keep a harmony environment where all human being may be treated as his/her value as a person. But also, knowing that being professional conveys a set of abilities in which our intelligence is going to be applied and shared. Therefore, the way we use to transmit our knowledge should be done in response to the personal and professional ethic we have acquired, which enable us to behave according to a set of principles and rules that govern conduct around world and permeates different aspects of our lives, since rather than damage the integrity of any individual we are committed to build it.
So that, I focus my attention in the learning/teaching process as well as the treatment I owe to my students among our differences such as gender, race, sexual orientation, an so because they are equal but not the same.

Carina Marinangeli dijo...

I agree with you Lorenna in the sense that capitalism has driven us into wasting more and thinking less; into doing what the rest of the world or big societies are doing not matter if our income is enough to enjoy such lifestyles. Simplier than that, people need to wear the kind of clothes their friends wear or use the same cell phone or any other item in the market.
In relation to the cyberspace, I think everyone should make use of it the way he or she wants, but taking into account that, as I said in my previous comment, not every information in the net is reliable.

Damian Francis dijo...

From my point of view, the subjectivity of general ethics is relly interesting. the search of greatness, wellbeing and happiness without affecting others is the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced. To me the objectivity of professional ethics is amazing, too, we as professional have certain rights and responsibilities that we have to respect, in order to be successful professionals.

Unknown dijo...

In my humble opinion and agreeing with many of my classmates, ethics is the guidelines of behavior which identify human actions. It is what creates a sense of security which depends on each human being. Ethics studies the moral concerning an acknowledged set of norms which rules people social and individual activities and influence the conception of good and bad criteria. It describes how thing are according to the rules and values. It reminds me what Zeli points out; ethics is the authentic life which allows dreams to become true. It helps people to control feelings and emotions sharing Aristotle’s philosophy of being reasonable.
I believe that ethics is very prized; being ethical is not only following the rules; the law often incorporates ethical norms which most inhabitants support according to their own living- values. Every single human being shapes his or her life to their own benefits according to their interest and purpose in life following their moral and ethical values.
An ethical person knows how to perform at any time and circumstance. I believe that ethics is the main value to succeed in life. As Americo Lugo in the article “El intelectual y el poder en la era del cibermundo” remarks there are things that money cannot buy.

Unknown dijo...

As we discussed in class, we need to have very clear what is a profession and what is the role of ethics on it. Let’s merge Profession + ethics = Professional ethics which studies the rights of professionals. It is believed that Behaving ethically goes to the heart of what it means to be a professional. I totally believe that ethics allow people to become excellent human beings respecting people and situations in the work area.

Unknown dijo...

Nowadays, we live on cyberspaces; we are all immersing, directly or indirectly to this competitive digital world. I believe that we need to remember our moral values and professional reputation to solve any problem. Money cannot buy all the sacrifices people pass through to create a well-known name, our moral values as human beings is what counts. As an example of this, what comes to your mind when somebody mentions the name Trujillo…

Unknown dijo...

I told my new students today, please guys take notes, and they all take their cellphone and took pictures of the whiteboard. what do you think I did?

Carina Marinangeli dijo...

As I said before, I am arguing that the democratic society or capitalism has different forms and colors, being one of them the military dictatorship. In other words, the military dictatorship is not a negation of democracy. So, during Trujillo’s military administration we still had democracy since it is the mood of life of the bourgeoisie. What I am saying is that Dr. Merejo errs when he says that Trujillo and Balaguer’s administration had an anti-democratic essence because they “excluded” all thought that wasn’t rooted on conservative ideas and against liberty.
Anyway, I want to share with you a different conception of liberty. In this type of society we have to work very hard or die of hunger. We are living in what has being named as spectacle society, of permanent show and business as usual social formation. So when our teacher talks about liberty what does he mean? Was Balaguer against liberty as our teacher affirms? I happen to disagree. On the contrary, Balaguer developed the existent conditions of liberty under which capital reproduced itself.

Lorenna Selmo dijo...

Going back to the topic of ´´ The intellectual and the pwr in the cyberworld era´´ I think that cyberworld can be used as a mean of exercising the duty citizens have to express their ideas and even to stand up for against corruption, social injustice, and so forth.

For instance, recently in the Dominican Republic a movement ´´4%´´ started. This movement invited people in and out the country to put pressure over the government so that the right amount of the budget could be applied to the Ministry of Education.... The point is that thanks to the internet and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and so forth. people could support the movement, become aware of what the truth about the problem was, and work toward achieving the goals of the movement.

But the cyberspace is not only use for this kind of purpose. Nowadays, we could notice that politicians also use it to promote their campains and to inform ´´ the actions they are taking, and the good deeds for the town´´, things which may be true, but are used to hide others which are not as kind and benefitial. It is a mean to deceive the majority (unfortunately).

Lorenna Selmo dijo...

Following Carina´s opinion...

I think that when a leader wants or has the total control of a country and its people and his ideas are the only considered as correct, and the one who dare to speak against them are putting their life on jeopardy; definitely they are against freedom.

One cannot not be free if it is not allowd to think critally, express their opinions, and to choose. (Choosig in all the aspects)
In the othe hand, it is hard to obtain freedom in a society where there are no opportunities and diversity.

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

I think that living with ethics is very important in our lives, because it helps us to do good things for others and for ourselves.

Since many years ago we have been facing different eras of government by ordinary people who have led our society in their way no mattering about our freedom and rights so this action to me it is no ethical at all. Now it is our responsibilities to be the great change and the change for our future generation.

The cyberspace in our society is a path where everybody has the facilitation to experience this new world which surrounds us with meaning full information to be applied in everyday life. We as a human being must start to care about our future, because it is not a matter of being or living today, but also tomorrow.

Cyberspace has taken part of our lives ever since by collecting every historical moment that happened in our society as well as present and future.

Information is easy to get via social sites whether you are an intellectual person or an ordinary person, so cyberspace facilitates any type of information requires by any person, that´s why it is important to be involve with new tool called cyberspace.

There are several advantages by using cyberspace, for example: you are in touch with every event that happens around the world, furthermore teachers can update themselves via cyberspace, because there are many information easy to find in this platform to make life easier.

Unknown dijo...

Now about Ethics:
I have always thought that ethics was the science of morality. However through this module of Professional Ethics I have a much broader concept of what Ethics is.
Thanks to Professor Merejo, In my opinion he has given the group a very complete conference of the topic and I know that Ethics is present in all of our lives and is present in all we as subject we do.
What I like most is that Ethics has to do with the good living and not with the good life.

Damian Francis dijo...

When it comes to the article about the role of the intellectual in the cyber world era, wrtten by professor Andres Merejo, I strongly believe that the cyber space has become the most effective way to get to people. As Foucault said the real power is not carried out by the authorities in charge of the state institutions, the real power is carried out by people when they come to terms and get together to bring about any change. We have a very practical exemple in Dominican Republic. For some years the whole society came to terms to demand 4% of the budget to be invested on education. This action shows what Foucault had said. the social nets fad has caught the attantion of million of people,and there is no doght that it is a powerful tool to bring about changes around the world because it is a stage where people are conditioned.
Intellectuals has to take this into account. they have to be knowledgable of the cyberspace and recognize the importance it has nowadays.

Unknown dijo...

The intellectual and the power in the cyber -world era written by Andre Merejo; I believe that every single intellectual should have his / her own point of view respecting others, that is our role. As Dominican intellectual, we should participate and critic the positive and negative role of the cyber net. It is very important to express our ideas and thoughts through this world because many people will follow us and those followers will express their feedbacks.
What really called my attention was the cyber – politics and the impact of it in our cyber -society. As an example of this, we have Wikileaks which is a web page used by many people to report many corruptive actions around the world, genocide, etc.

Unknown dijo...

Ethics and moral are words very similar but we have to keep in mind that are not the same, moral are the norms o rules that are established by the society; in the other hand ethic is the discipline that study the moral then we need to know that both influence in a big way with the society and with us as individual human beings with individual feelings, thinking and ways of acting.
What is the meaning of being ethics? I think that being is to accept yourself and to accept the others as they are with their defect and way of living because the basic rules of this discipline is to live and permit the other do the same.

Unknown dijo...

Genaro Florentino Robles said

As I concern ethics is one of the most important part in our lives that a professional should practice in all his acts specially at work,among his or her family the community or other places.
This way of behaving allows us to express our ideas in different means like internet, television, radios and which you can help people to perform their way of acting and offer better conditions to the society with lower price and easier for the people.
In the cyberspace is in which we produce our works and model those in the best way that we can show to every body around the world.

Unknown dijo...

The intellectual in the cyber world by Andres Merejo: My standpoint upon this is very broad, first of all, I would like to point out that, since intellectuality comes to be part of our lifestyle, it is of paramount importance that we should see the net as a tool of knowledge and positive messages of the users and we should promote through it the values that have been lost throughout the time. Our contribution should always be positive by increasing awareness in the followers of the net as well as the viewers and users of the net. In a world, which lack of values and where there is a crisis of values, we as professionals should always sponsor that not everything is lost and that we our contribution as teachers and instructors we can change the world with our good examples, with our teaching and so forth and the cyber world indeed plays and importnt role.

Unknown dijo...

I mean, we as teachers and instructors should change people's way of thinking in this world which lacks of values and where there is a crisis of values and that our contribution as teachers can change the world with our good examples.

Unknown dijo...

I mean, we as teachers and instructors should change people's way of thinking in this world which lacks of values and where there is a crisis of values and that our contribution as teachers can change the world with our good examples.

Unknown dijo...

For starters, I would say that ethics is a controversial topic. Ethics is based on the internal structure of the person, tells us that each one builds his life for his own good, which implies a sense of responsibility. It is sometimes misunderstood because of the fact that there is a great deal of subjectivity taking part in it. However, this subjectivity is influenced by values and moral standards acquired by every individual from his surroundings, that is to say, family, school, neighborhood, friends, etc; and what he or she takes or understands as right or wrong. Therefore, I might say that there would be a quandary when it comes to listening to your inner voice and doing what it is right or wrong according to others’ expectations and also those of the society.

Unknown dijo...

For starters, I would say that ethics is a controversial topic. Ethics is based on the internal structure of the person, tells us that each one builds his life for his own good, which implies a sense of responsibility. It is sometimes misunderstood because of the fact that there is a great deal of subjectivity taking part in it. However, this subjectivity is influenced by values and moral standards acquired by every individual from his surroundings, that is to say, family, school, neighborhood, friends, etc; and what he or she takes or understands as right or wrong. Therefore, I might say that there would be a quandary when it comes to listening to your inner voice and doing what it is right or wrong according to others’ expectations and also those of the society.

Berlina dijo...

It is painful and somehow unethical not to do something to change this reality we everyday face; being surrounded by people who play an important role within our community and are called to do something to change it do nothing about is even more unethical. We are the ones called to demand that those running our future, stop and do what is actually expected from them. It is here where we need to understand that we all run with different ethics within ourselves, that no matter how ethic we pretend to be every person is going to decide what to do and that what might be right for me in the eyes of another is not correct; so everything will be seen thru the eyes of the beholder. Ethically speaking we are and do have the power to signal what might or might not be proper to our eyes, but in the end it is the individual who will make the choices, no matter what and it is the individual who will in turn face the consequences.

Unknown dijo...

From my individual standpoint, I strongly believe that, the critical intellectual who has no connection with the cyberspace, is completely dated or a fully stick-in-the-mud with everything that is manifested in the same environment, in terms of political, social, economic, cultural aspects, etc... getting involved in this phenomenon makes us part of the APPLICATION of an ethics of knowledge, I think everyone has to participate actively, and in this way contribute to positive changes in our society.
It's really sad to see individuals from our society, becoming the perfect target for those who claim to be wiser, simply ignoring what is actually beneficial for all, focusing on trivial things.

Unknown dijo...

Ethics is the art of live a good life and make the things that make us happy and depend of ourselves, also ethics provide the rules that people need to fallow to share with others. In others words I can say that ethics should be the most important thing for all people because ethics aware and help people to recognize the behavior that we need to fallow alone and in society.
In the other hand ethics look for orientations no impositions that why everyone is free to choose the way of acting and behaving but knowing that society will judge your actions and you will receive the aftereffect of your good or bad actions.
Lucrecia peña

Anónimo dijo...

My country!

Always we are going to have a group that dominates and controls the whole society. This group is called to be equitable, otherwise they would be imposing their thought.
The new social classes that are behind the politic power adopt coersive ethic professional. They have implemented restriction technology controls such as, digital tracks, iris of the eyes` recorded, voice timbre, and so forth. New social controls and technologies that become infallible to the human reality.

Ciberworld`s era, whose platform is the ciberspace and his movements are global webs with digital controls that have produced its resistance. All power generates resistance, kind of struggle and after all the critic.

In society those intellectuals who are not under control of the parties in power, remain isolated, with no professional activities, and at most with misery`s salaries. Professionals once having made so much personal sacrifice, economic, and intellectual, by no means they would become a pawn with monthly salary of RD$ 8, 000. 00. It is very hard to be an ETHIC PROFESSIONAL with these conditions.
Of course, this is very hard to be an ethic professional with certains conditions that minimizes human dignities.

Once upon a time there was a president who said: ``Do not ask what the country can make for you, but what can you do for your country´´ this president expressed this argument in a moment in which his nation needed true patriots, but unfortunately our nation has not patriots like those one. We have patriots like LEONEL FDEZ, FÉLIX BAUTISTA, DE LA RUA, and so forth.

Ethic professional has to be understood not only the way these martyrs (patriots) have understood, itself, but it goes beyond, it has been used as an excuse to hide all their filth, they did not learn Duarte`s, Sánchez`, and Mella`s behavoir. They have learned Santana`s, Báez`, and Lilis` behavior. (BETRAYERS)

Ethic is the homeland.
Ethic is the family.
Ethic is yourself.
Ethic is love.

Carlos Santos.

Unknown dijo...

I strongly agree with professor Merejo when he says that “the intellectual who tries to reflect in relation to the individual, power, society, has to understand how technological innovation and cybersecurity have been influencing social relations”.
The opening of new technologies to the general public as a result of the phenomenon of globalization, led to the emergence of a new way of life common to individuals, and therefore, a new culture, a culture more dependent on cyberspace, this new order affects all aspects, but especially the professional environment, at present, the power generated by the use of cyberspace has no comparison whatsoever, the range of activities is almost endless, and the manifestations of power are innumerable. That includes politics, religion, economy, psychology, etc. as professionals, it is imperative to be part of this culture not to remain oblivious to the changes that occur in the physical world.

Unknown dijo...

Professional ethics seeks the welfare of a particular professional community, despite that fact; it is undeniable that many professionals get corrupted because they focus more on money than what they actually represent.

Carina Marinangeli dijo...

What is the essence of freedom? Is it limited to the right to speak? To the right of assembly? There is a relation between freedom and salary slavery. That is, freedom is salary slavery, and when we claim our freedom to speak, to think critically, express our opinions, and choose…we are repeating the dominant class mantra, we are assuming the ideology of the bourgeoisie, defending our slavery as a manifestation of our human nature. Basically, we are justifying our own exploitation, even though we are not conscious about it. The abstract called on “Freedom” is a crucial moment of the reproduction of the dominant ideology. So, just like the “alive dead” of George Orwell, 1984, Lorenna confuses her slavery with the true realization as human being, “with her freedom”, as Orwell affirms. But above and beyond Orwell, I want to say that freedom is based, essentially, on free enterprise, capitalist competition, salary relation, the exploitation of salary workers, and the paradise of mercantile world. And, at this level, is not other thing than the bloody anthem of the world capitalist system.

Unknown dijo...

When we talk about ethics it is necessary to take into account that: Personality, prudence, respect, simplicity, as well as tolerance are essential values for has a professional profile. For me my students ‘and colleges values is one of the more important thing for me, because they are who rise me to the level social I want to be social. A professional who do not put into practice the ethics certainly he or she is not a professional.

Unknown dijo...

It^s awesome to be able to participate as a doer and not only as an spectator in the knowledge battle in the cyberspace. There is no way our world, our people, our minds can change if we do not plant the seed of criticism, one that operates to better systems, to enhance thinking, to profit human relationships. The cyber world has become similar to a mirror in which people with power reflect their images so their ideas, and actions can be imitated and they are able to reach farther in the boundaries of economical, political, religious and intellectual scenes , withing every context of human society.

Teachers have that power at hand. they can become gods by assessing peoples lives and making them to change for good, by publishing multipurpose articles to promote, for example, reading routines, writing as an activity that can be as enjoyable as watching TV, or going to the pool, They can also influence certain sites where self management both emotional and in other spheres of the self are encouraged and developed. These are just a few examples on the vast amount of uses a teacher as a representative of the power forces can infer to surfers of the mother net.
Lets not only be passive surfers on the cyber world but instead lets leave every path full of a lot of our thought self.

Unknown dijo...

Michelle Abreu

Unknown dijo...

Michelle Abreu

Unknown dijo...

I learned and will always remember when the teacher taught us that ethics makes the individual to stick to the responsibility that comes with a position or any role assigned to him/her in society. This is about the set of duties and rights that many times are only inductive and others deductive which can be learned in the deontology of every profession. What i love about this is that you are not mandatory tight, but have freedom to decide between several alternatives of behavior according to the persons reality and convenience but at the same time paying attention to the care the public and private image willing to project, to the person living strategy, which at last will bring better human, and working relations and we will surely grow in the process.

I really think its ethical to have my¨ own ideology and spread It to the world from where i am, from my bedroom, from my computer¨ this is a wise acting...

Finally, I want to ad the ethical values I think are a plus for the professional. They are:
Honor,Faith,Family,Credibility,Conviction,Acceptance,Commitment,Flexibility,Honor, and a bit of humor. These characteristics, when present, they(according to me) turn a simple person with a diploma into a great professional with success,

Unknown dijo...

Having discussed the ups and downs of ethics, values, and things of that sort, we cannot leave professional ethics behind. There are differences that distiguish general from professional ethics.

As per personal ethics or (general ethics)as we have already discussed, it is intrinsic to the individual and it cannot be seen as right or wrong with the parameters of every single person; whereas professional ethics is more specific and addressed to the individual and his professional activities. Dr, Merejo brought up something that called my attention: ¨It is not ethical at all for me to pretend to be an English teacher, with all the experiences you have accumulated for more than 10 or even more than 20 years, that is not ethical.¨ For me, that was a very reflective thought, which I agree with, nevertheless, I also think that somehow a person might have the ability to exell in different areas of knowledge other than that which he /she is a master at.

Something that was also enlightening to me if what Dr. Merejo said about how many students see a profession, merely for obtaining economical benefits other than placing vocations first, this is not ethical. I remember once I signed up for law carrier, and one of my classmates said, that the only thing he wanted was to have a drug dealing case to make lots of money. That discouraged me a lot. I guess that was not ethical. I think that some professions are thought as unethical because its students are not ethical.

In conclusion, professional ethics will determine how we will act and how people will see us as professionals and as a person with values and limits. I think that people find that valuable and praise worthy.

Unknown dijo...

Sesotris Soriano

Unknown dijo...

Considering that we have been under a total system of authoritarianism and abuse of power, which has tried to purchase price conscience money or public offices such as Américo Lugo and where we can realize that dignity, honesty and decency have prevailed at all times and that the Catholic Church has been so powerful to the point to prevent others develop different ideas because I think that is a good review and very real, even today live under a false democracy, power even prevails over all and often great ideas are overshadowed when not correspond to the interests of power.

We should take advantage of new tools that cyberspace has given us to transmit our values. We need this to cyber for and with us, and so work for us. We have used this power to help us achieve success. Cyberspace has become a new space, where new roles and functions, cyberspace. It is revealed rightly with the idea of ​​allowing decentralized communication and a few years ago that communication was popularized by social networking. Social networking is a tool of power of the masses, is the place where people can express themselves and organize traditional structures leapfrog.

Unknown dijo...


Unknown dijo...

in my opinion I totally agree because today I have seen many professionals intelectuale can not criticize for the sake of survival and if they do it on condition of resigning his post, which from my point of view and not well supposedly this country that has a democratic system but does not accept criticism and it is supposed to face the power if we can not exercise democracy.

Michelle abreu

Jose R dijo...

I like people who talk about freedom,rights and moral and I feel happy and sad at the same time, because all of us are slaves system, we can't decide by ourselves, we depends on economical ciscunstances that's why sometimes we have to acept iniquities without saying anything,It's too hard defending the ethics, tha's the price for living in undeveloped country.

Unknown dijo...

Hi, I had problems to enter or send my comment, but nothing here we are.
The term of ethics and morality with Professor Andres Merejo I found different conceptions with other people about these issues.
Ethics tells us that every man builds his life for his own good, which implies a sense of responsibility.
In morals the institutional operations, which borders policy, while collective project.
Ethics examines morality, a set of accepted rules and customs that govern our social and individual activities and also the insights and values ​​that guide behaviors that give meaning to the subjects and raise them what is good or bad.

Derwin The (Teacher) dijo...

In addition what i have already mentioned, in the beginning i have to add that ethic is everything that elevates our living in all the terms, and using the cyberspace is very important, and is part of living well, of a good life,and in our dominican society the culture of cyberspace has not been introduced at all, but it is on the way, so my point is that ethics is not just talking about acts and how we should be, it is also living well, and we should remember being ethic and moralist are not the same. it is deeper, ethics is always learning. you student Derwin Aquino

Unknown dijo...

A few days ago I was reading the book Conversaciones en el Lago, by our Porfessor Merejo. I read that power is everywhere and no one scapes from power and that all humans maintain a direct relatioship with it, the fact is to determine which are the instances of power the humans, as individuals, feel identified with; because power has a lot of different manifestations.
In this world,just to cite examples, we can mention the technological power that is totaly centered into the society, and Financial power is the strongest one of all types of power. It can benefit, and at the same time harm and destroy individuals, society,goverments, countries and even continents.
So financial power controls everything.

Anónimo dijo...

God bless everyone!

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Jovanny Francisco Rosario Tejada dijo...

I believe that English teachers should have a strong labor union in the Dominican Republic, becuase most of us are constantly looking for practice opportunities, improving our knowledge and fill up our material and social needs.

I personally think that we should strengthen our friendship in order to know each other better, our values, becuase we are supposed to transform our nation with the power of knowledge, and we will need capable people to trust upon. Without strong values it would be impossible to do a worthy thing.
We have a lot of cuases to work for in the construction of a better nation.

There are a lot of things to change, and we should be the change we want to be.
So, hand to hand, let put our shoulders on the wheel...

Anónimo dijo...

I totally agree

Luima Lembert dijo...
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Luima Lembert dijo...
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Luima Lembert dijo...

Existe una relación horizontal entre la comunicación, sociedad y el poder, pero a la vez contrapuesta.

En República Dominicana esta influencia viene dándose desde tiempo atrás, tal como indica el Doctor Merejo, pero a mi entender esta influencia viene con el descubrimiento de la Isla de Santo Domingo; en la que los españoles involucrados con el poder católico, establecieron un dominio sistemático, para obtener de los aborígenes lo que ellos querían.

La iglesia católica siempre se ha aprovechado del poder político tratando de mantener bajo sus pies la intelectualidad, ya que no le conviene que las sociedad conozcan sus secreto. Para este sector es más beneficioso que los sujetos de una nación se mantengan en la ignorancia.

Aunque hoy en día, gozamos de una libertad comunicativa “Democracia”, persisten comunicadores que se abrazan al poder, por beneficios, y transgreden las informaciones, adecuándolas a los deseos del poder, no importando cual sea económico o político o ambos a la vez, es considerado como no ético, ahora bien mantenerse al margen es lo que debe considerarse como ético.

Ahora bien, para que pasamos por este mundo si no dejamos nada que pueda cambiar aunque sea el contexto donde vives; por tal razón, el sujeto que se considere intelectual no solo debe utilizar su intelecto para sobrevivir, además debe emplearlo para producir conocimiento que sea de utilidad a futuras generaciones.